Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Winter is coming!

Hey guys! So i'm very sorry that I couldn't post a week ago.. been pretty busy lately. So just as my title says.. winter is coming! I absolutely LOVE winter. I hope you guys get some snow..to play around for once in a glistening wonderland. ^-^ 
IMPORTANT NOTICE: So because winter is coming up and i'll LOVE to do something amazing for my fans and fellow viewers on Blockheads, i'll be doing winter-related pixel art on servers! But just not any servers.. your servers! If it's single-player world but you would love it if I did pixel art in your world, please add my gamecenter, im ~Sophie101~. I'd love to help your world out if it's not fully upgraded yet too! If it's a multiplayer server, please comment or email me at phyreblockheads@gmail.com the server name. I'll be checking my email everyday from now on for your replies! Please, I'd LOVE to do this. Email me or comment me your request, on what winter-related pixel art you would like me to make, what server, or if you added me as gamecenter. I'll immediately add you! 

SUPER IMPORTANT!:I'm an admin of many amazing servers, especially Diamond Seas. If you guys are hardcore fans of blockheads and/or me, please contact me by commenting below or emailing me at phyreblockheads.com. I'll give you guys free adminship or modship! Thank you all so much for the support and as always, keep crafting!-Phyre

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