Okay, today i'll talk about NPCs in The Blockheads app! 

Dropbears-These are bears; they wander often at night. So far, they are the most dangerous animals because it does a lot of damage to you if they run into you. You can also find them in trees, so don't cut down the tree the dropbear is in because it can fall and attack you! They also have red eyes, so it will be easy to see them. They attack in the night, if your in their range. DO NOT sleep or mediate under a tree where there's a dropbear! It's most likely to fall and attack you! (dropbear shown below) Dropbears also drop leather and fur if they die. They can't be tamed like donkeys.

Do not chop down trees with dropbears!! 

Dodo birds-these birds won't attack, in fact you can kill them for food and feathers! They give meat, which you can eat. They give feathers, and they can be useful for lots of things! You can find them near apple trees. There are also such things as dodo bird eggs, their small blue eggs that hatch over time when placed. They're rare, coming from mated dodo birds. I've never seen them, only heard of them :P but they seem so legit!

Dodo bird
Donkeys-To me, these are the most legit and amazing animals on The Blockheads app! It's really cool to have a donkey, and they can be fun for so many uses. They are usually found in the northern hemisphere and can be near carrot patches. You can tame donkeys too, and ride on them! (even over water if you have the carrot on a stick)The donkeys cannot hurt you, so far. If you try to tame the baby donkeys, it won't work;it'll just hurt them instead. They drop carrots and leather if you kill it, but baby donkeys won't drop anything. Using a carrot on a stick, you can tame and mount the donkey back home, ride around with it, or go in the water with it. You can make a little home for them in your house or near your house, they won't get out as long as you tame them with carrot on a stick first. 

Taming a Donkey with carrot on a stick
(-----adult donkey Note:They are rarely found in deserts and cold places, so make sure to check warm places                                        instead! 

Fish-The fish won't attack, and their a good food source! Just keep tapping on a fish until it's dead and you get it's meat. They are usually found in bodies of water, and mostly they are near kelp. Kelp is also another food source you can get. Kelp can grow very tall! 

Kelp can also be found in water, and they cannot be                           cooked while fish can be cooked.

Sharks-they are really dangerous! If you swim really near it, it's most likely to attack and do lots of damage on you; more damage than a dropbear! (i think) It's better to use a boat to cross the ocean or a donkey. Small shark are able to be caught with a bucket while big shark, it's better if you just avoid If you DO manage to kill a shark, they give shark jaws and a lot of raw fish you can eat. 

Scorpions-according to Wiki, Scorpions are a vivid green color that's relatively easy to see, particularly against desert sand. They have six legs, a tail that curves up to point forward, and blocky pincers in front. They are about one block tall overall.
While they are not light sources, scorpions are not concealed in shadows and remain visible no matter how dark their surroundings. Scorpions spawn near cacti and therefore are mostly found in deserts, although they can wander to adjacent biomes.

Scorpions use poison as a ranged attack
Scorpions wander the ground aimlessly. Like other creatures, they do not pass two-block high level changes on their own.
During the day, scorpions do not routinely attack nearby blockheads. Remaining near one or encountering large groups of them is still inadvisable, as they may stab a blockhead if adjacent (a poison drop may be visible momentarily) and the increased numbers make those attacks more likely. At night, scorpions become more aggressive, attacking more frequently and using their ranged poison attack even if their target doesn't approach them.
They will respond to attacks by launching a large drop of poison at their assailant. This is able to harm blockheads several blocks away. When it is attacking, a scorpion's tail will flick in a jabbing motion. This will resemble either a stab against an adjacent blockhead or a catapult-like throw for a ranged attack. Scorpions do not attack other creatures. Due to their ability to attack at range, it's difficult to kill scorpions without the attacking blockhead taking harm. Killing a scorpion will result in one to three poison being dropped.


Cave Trolls-According to wiki, Appearance
They are slightly bigger than a blockhead, and have blue skin, one red eye, and a mouth with visible teeth.Cave trolls keep lairs in caves deep underground, beginning about 3/4 of the way from sea level to the core, which is about the same depth at which gold and diamonds begin to be found. Cave trolls are found as deep as the center of the world, with lairs close enough to the subterranean magma to make a blockhead start to smoke from the heat. The lair consists of two ice torches and a nearby golden chest, although it's possible for only one ice torch to be present due to local stone formations. It is also possible to find a level one trade portal nearby. Each world generally contains multiple cave trolls. Revealing a cave troll is accompanied by an ominous, multi-tone musical cue. This typically is immediately followed by the troll beginning to pursue the intruding blockhead. A troll prefers to stand guard over its treasure between the two ice torches in its lair, but if trapped elsewhere (by luring it away and blocking its return) it will stand quietly until a path to either its lair or a blockhead becomes available.
If disturbed by a blockhead attacking or approaching too close, the troll will pursue the interloper. It is almost as capable of climbing (including ladders), jumping, swimming, and otherwise navigating a cave as any blockhead, although it moves slower, allowing most blockheads to escape. The only way blockheads can go somewhere a troll can't is if there is a one-block-high tunnel the blockhead can enter or enough space to place (and disassemble after passing) a ladder that takes it out of reach. If its target moves too far away from the troll, the troll moves too far away from its lair, or its target passes or makes a suitable barrier such as a door, trapdoor, or one-high gap, the troll will stop pursuing and return to its lair unless its return path is blocked. A troll's actions may occur after a delay, allowing the target blockhead to use a ranged weapon to attack and cause it to delay further. When attacked, a troll will tip, roar, and right itself. After a troll attacks it will momentarily stops before attacking again. Trolls may be the most dangerous type of creature to fight in the entire game, as they are able to inflict terrible damage on even a blockhead wearing a full suit of iron armor. It also takes at least a dozen blows from the most powerful weapon available to bring one down, giving a troll ample time to retaliate. Even a ranged weapon used from a separated platform is little help, as trolls can climb as well as blockheads and respond to interlopers at bow range.
Yet with preparation, planning, and some quick responses, cave trolls can be defeated and their lairs looted in safety (e.g. by placing blocks strategically so that a blockhead can be beside the troll with a one-block gap formation and so can attack the troll without it attacking back). Just be ready to heal up afterward should things go wrong. They drop one piece of ice armor (at random) when killed. The golden chest has improved chances of spawning with ingots and gems, and almost no chance of spawning with any sort of coins. The trade portal can be removed and placed elsewhere, as can the ice torches.

And that's about all! If you guys find any new NPCs in The Blockheads, please comment below what you find! I will always post new found NPCs and do some research on em! If you guys find any that I did not mention, please comment them below and i'll do some research on them and write a post for it here about the NPC. I'll also give you credit too! But as always, keep crafting -Phyre <3

*If you guys don't know what NPC means(which is alright, since some people don't know), i'll explain it to you. NPC means non-playing character, meaning the thing/animal/person is not controlled/played by a real person, it's probably just programmed to automatically move or do things. Blockheads are not NPCs since WE control them. But things like dodo birds and scorpions, those are NPCs since no one controls or plays them they just move and do things as programmed. No one is playing a dodo bird.   

1 comment:

  1. hey what ARE TROLLS BEING CALLED WHEN YOU lead them to the surface or lava or when they spawn in the surface because when I looked at custom rules or the thing where when you make a world then click sutom rules while making a world and make it rainy like until trolls can spawn on surface i remember that when i was making a world and what does the game mean by trolls can steam trains?
