My Blockhead Secrets

Hey guys!! ^-^ I'll be telling you some "The Blockheads" secrets!! Now if some of you have already heard of them, its alright. If you know any new ones I haven't mentioned, just comment them below!! Here are the ones I know:

  • Baskets help you carry more stuff! If you put on in your basket, you'll have 4x more space!! :D 
  • Okay for this one i've learned my lesson! Just like real life, fire near wood can get you on fire! Do not put campfires (just campfires) near wood! And that includes wooden beds, trees, plants and wood. 
  • Sad to say, but you CAN die in The Blockheads. You can always wait to regenerate or use gems to finish up the regenerating time. You can also choose to just let your blockhead die. 
  • If you finish up your meditation bar, you get a special prize!! 
  • Don't always use campfires and torches; switch to lanterns some time sooner! They are more brighter and can light up your place in seconds! 
  • Donkeys are great at riding and traveling on land and boats are wonderful for sailing the ocean! Just don't run your boat into ice.
  • Dropbears only attack you if you attack them first. Dodo birds, donkeys and fish are harmless; they won't hurt you. Sharks on the other hand, attack if they see you just like in real life. Careful! 
  • Just like real life, you can drown! So don't stay in deep water for too long! If your on the surface of the water, your fine. Drowning is one way of dying!
  • You don't always need a bed to sleep; you can always sleep on the bare ground anywhere as long as your on land! Although beds make your sleeping time go faster. 
  • If you use a boat to cross a body of water, it's faster than swimming across!
  • If you reach the North Pole and see a blue long pole, use blocks and ladder to reach the top and you'll get a legit prize:everlasting North Pole boots that make you run faster and easier! 
  • Yes, there ARE such things as cave trolls! (Check out the NPCs tab on my website and then scroll all the way to the bottom where there is info about the cave trolls.)
  • More than one blockhead in your world will make traveling, mining, and going on expeditions a lot more easier! It will also help collect more stuff, too.
  • There's this VERY easy duping trick everyone lately uses. If you don't know what it is, i'll explain now. So, it has to be in a multiplayer server. You need 2 blockheads, a shop, what you want to dupe, a block (any) and a tool to break the shop. So one person has the shop and the stuff u want to dupe. Make sure NOT to do it where there's a background, go outside and make sure there is no block creating a back wall behind you. The other person has the block(s) and the tool(s). Put the block on surface, and the other person will put the shop on the block. Put the item you want to dupe in the shop. Next, take it out but don't put it in your inventory or anywhere else. Just keep your finger and let it hover. The other person has to break the block, and the shop will fall after. Put the thing your hovering into your inventory, and then pick up the dropped shop. The shop should still have the item, and so should your inventory. And now you know how to dupe ^-^
If you find any secrets I haven't mentioned, feel free to comment below! If I find any new secrets, I'll always immediately post them on to here. And again, as always, keep crafting -Phyre 

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