Sunday, April 13, 2014

Legit North Pole

Hey guys! As of my last post, you guys know that I was traveling to the North Pole. Well, I reached it and it's amazing! I got really cool everlasting speed boots from the North Pole and they're da boss! The snow is really piling up and I was shivering, so the shoes were really helpful. They were everlasting and didn't have a limit either! (Check out my secrets tab on my blog to find out more about them) I chipped off lots of ice, and began traveling back. After I traveled back, I built a donkey house too where I raise donkeys! So far I've only got 3 adult donkeys and 1 baby donkey. I'm hoping for more donkeys but anyways, I hope you guys find something 
interesting at your world in the blockheads app! As always, keep crafting -Phyre 

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