I added an addition to my pool, a healing spa and it actually works! See the bubbling? When I got attacked by drop bears, I immediately created a healing spa that would bring my health right up. And it's proven to works! And I'll tell you guys how to make one.
So you need a pool, some campfires, limestone (or any type of block you prefer, but I recommend limestone because it's a gorgeous and spa-like material.) and torches/lanterns (optional,but I prefer them cuz they give off a relaxing atmosphere and they are shiny and they brighten everything up!)
It actually can heal a blockhead's life.
New electricity work room! It actually is amazing and quite faster. It's all connect by copper wires, btw.
I created an elevator and electricity wires to get electrons movin'! The elevator is super fast. If you guys decide to have electricity, the wire design plan all depends on you. You don't need to copy others' designs, but make one that fits ur home or place. The elevator is super fast!
As you can see, I'm on a handcar! Yup, I created a railroad! :D
Here is one of my blockheads on a train! This train in is amazing, way better than walking too.
This is my wire formation. I created it so it fitted with my house.
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